Wednesday, October 3, 2012

On the Many Vexen Replicas

“He [Vexen] had a habit of testing out replica programs on himself, repeatedly.” –Axel, Squirming Evil

The idea for the many, many Vexen Replicas came from two places.  First, it came from the KH Mangas, both the CoM one and the KH2 one, though they are featured more heavily in the CoM one.  Secondly, it came from rarmaster, who has practically an entire storyline based off of them.  Well, replicas in general, not just Vexen. 

But anyway, so why am I doing a post for the Vexen Replicas?

Well, why the heck not?

Vexen is, currently, in another universe (rarmaster's).  He’s actually become quite the pivotal role.  And this is OUTSIDE of simply freaking out when Riku gets injured. 

The first order of Vexen Replicas (that my Vexen created) were the ones that existed in Castle Oblivion during the events of CoM.  Out of the 42 of them, 25 of them are dead/discontinued/disabled by some means.  Xigbar killed a good 7 or 8, random bit of trivia for you.  42, 34, and 27 (aka, the only ones that you should actually remember (though, 18's pretty cool, too)) are in CO, basically running the place (or just living there while it runs itself, however you wanna look at it.)  The 15 that remain are wandering about the worlds somewhere and our heroes may run into them at some point in time.  Some of them are in worlds with Princesses as an extra layer of protection for them.

Of the new order Replicas, 19 of them are still out and about.  (Pi is specifically still in Hollow Bastion, because I think it is his new mission to bother Ienzo or something, idk quite yet.  He’s just… helping with the shop…)  The other 5 were killed by Xaldin when he rampaged Hollow Bastion.  Gamma, Rho, Tau and Epsilon were all killed in the rampage.  Omega was the Replica left in Vexen’s stead and was naturally killed when Xaldin found out that he was a Replica and not actually Vexen.  I have a database with all of mine and rarmaster's replicas labeled and whatnot if anyone wants to see.  I mean, it's not entirely accurate on rarmaster's account, because some Replicas (most of them Larxene) just get killed and we don't have a number or a letter to attach to them yet.  But still, I have a database. 

Now, enjoy Repliku being bothered by Vexens.  I think it's fitting.  

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