Friday, January 18, 2013

So! I'm not dead!

I'm not! I swear!  I've just been.... flying under most radars for the past couple of weeks.  (On here, it might honestly be longer.)  

I basically went from spending November and December in a frantic spree to rewrite my novel for publishing to spending the first half of January getting it peer-reviewed... and realizing that I'm going to have to do ANOTHER rewrite. 

It's not NEARLY as massive... but... I've got some plot things that I'd like to change, and some character development that I think I can flesh out some more.  (I'm trying not to put spoilers up here, because I've sent the thing to four of you :P).  Cookie and KKBeckett both know some of the things that I *really* want to work on.  Flightfoot knows there's work to be done as well.

So... where does that leave my fanfics.

As rar knows... I split my novel in-half.  (Not exactly halfway through, but... I split it in-two, nonetheless.  (Honestly, this is where some of the plot-arc problems stem from... but... I'm aware of this...) She wanted to know if I was going to write the second half (now book 2) as soon as I finished with putting all the touches on Book 1.  

I told her I probably would.  But, honestly, it really depends on how I feel.  The current stage I'm in for editing Book 1 (title undecided at this point) is something that I'm hopefully going to wrap up by mid-February.  I'll probably start the rewrites of THAT shortly after.  That could take anywhere between one month... and three.  (Probably not more than three.  Honestly, probably not more than two.)  That puts me somewhere in April after all those rewrites are through.  Then goes another round of editing.  Then, I need to determine if I need ANOTHER major overhaul, or if I can just tidy things up and put it up for publishing.  That's something I don't know yet.

The one thing I do know, is that I want to get this thing published within this year.  It will pain me greatly if I don't.  

So... where does that leave my fanfics? (since I didn't actually answer this question the last time I wrote it up there...)

I don't know.  I want to get back to them.  But my priorities are falling alongside my novel.  However, there will probably come a time in the next month or so where I need a break from that writing project and I'll start working on another.  (I already took a small break in order to write my story for my Creative Writing Workshop class, but THAT has nothing to do with my fanfics.  I couldn't write fanfiction for CW anyway.)  

Regardless, my next fanfic project is going to be a prequel of sorts.  I may have already told some of you this.  I may have already posted it and I'm just having a stupid and can't remember if I did or not.  

But, it's going to detail the events of our favorite FF characters as they grow up and meet each other.  (And it gives me an excuse to write ZackxAerith fluff.)  I may write some stuff with TAV as well, but I'm not sure at the present moment.  *shrug*

But yeah... when I start writing fanfic again, that's where I'm picking up.

And... now I'm going to end this terribly long post.  Thanks for reading! And keeping up with me.  (If you all still do that.) 


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Thank You Blog

This is much needed.  And possibly much overdue.

This is the blog where I thank all of you for being wonderful, wonderful readers and reviewers!

If there's some who I must mention above the rest, it's these people right here: archsage, Flightfoot, KKBeckett, Cookie, Peach and Xianit.  Because you review nearly every chance you can get on just about every chapter and you give really good feedback!  I love you all!

A notable mention must also go out to the anonymous/guest reviews that were quite awesome to read!

Other people who left helpful or happy-making reviews are:
Blader 25
Burai Stelar
The Trio of Twilight
Witch of Tragedies
Half-Dragon Hero
Scruff the Rat
Darkened Dusk
Knightmare Flame Razgriz
K.O.D. Lazarus

A lot of you got angry at me for making you like Namiku (jokingly, of course.) Sorry guys!

And some of you only left a few reviews, stopping after several chapters... to which I'm sorry I lost you along the ride.  Things happen. I strive to be better in the future!  It's probably because Betwixt and Between stretched out longer than a healing-type story should have. Alas... nothing I can do for it now!

I also must apologize to chickendip14.  You were supposed to be my beta... but I kept forgetting to send you the chapters before I posted them.  I suck at life sometimes.  My sincerest apologies!!! *wishes I could make it up to you*

The biggest thanks though, has to go out to rar.  If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here.  I'd tell you all to go check her out, but I think all of you who are reading this already follow her on ff anyway.  If, however, you're interested, just leave a note in the comments, and I'll get you the links to her ff profile and her blog.  She'd love to have you!

That's it for thank-yous.  Now I actually have some reviews to reply to!  (Most of them are from Cookie, don't sweat it though!)

I know there were a couple of issues with the fic not showing up as complete for a bit.  The first time it was because I actually forgot to change it... then fanfic was honestly having issues, I swear!

I mentioned in the last post on here (which was forever ago) that the guy in the last chapter/epilogue thing was, in fact, Xigbar.  Flightfoot mentioned the possibility of it being an OC, but alas, I'm not good enough to pull in anymore OC's at the moment.  It's just Xiggy.

Peach, I'm glad you loved the last story arc! I loved it too!

Cookie! Merry late Christmas! Also, thank you for the tip about scars itching! I shall remember that!  The Donald comment about "Habit" was an intentional jab at Donald's actually healing habits--or lack thereof.  I didn't intend for that one line of Axel's to come across as snappy.  He said it rather nonchalantly in my head. *shrug* I almost wanted to bring Kuin back for him in that scene, but I decided I'd just have it be the characters from the game, not my OCs.  It was just a personal choice.  You'll see more of her in the next fic I would imagine.


I appreciate you all greatly.
