Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Namine Squared

I think it's time I do a post on the Namine's.

Everything here is just a conglomeration of everything that you guys already know or can know.  It's to help even out the confusion and answer some questions--maybe even for me and rar.

For starters, there's different levels of things that everyone knows.

There's the things that you guys all know.  It's been posted in a chapter, made canon, written out in a blog, whatever.  You know it.

Then there's stuff that our beta's know that the rest of the readers don't.  Cookie may fall into this category a little because he asks questions via PM and I know *I* answer ones that aren't too horribly spoilery, or I confirm theories. 

Then there are things that rar and I have written into a scene somewhere in the future (or, I suppose in the past), the scenes just haven't been posted yet.  Things inside these scenes may change, depending on what happens in the stuff we're posting currently.  The farther out it is, the more that's likely to change within it.  

Then there is stuff that rar and I just know.  It's not been written anywhere, we've just discussed it in a plot-throwing-around session.  Or it's come up and we've sat on down and figured it out.  (Blue’s Clues reference, btw).  These facts that we know may or may not actually make it into the story itself, but we know them to be true.

Then there are the things that rar and I honestly, actually don't know.  Things like Namine's meltdowns.  Rar and I legitimately don't have an answer as to what is causing them.  (I use this as an example because it's current, relevant, and this post is about Namines...) Anyway, we have our theories and speculations as to what is causing the meltdowns, but nothing is official.  And then there are things about my Namine that I find out as she tells me.  It goes something like this:

I'm writing something, and all of a sudden, Namine's doing something that she's never done before.

I ask her: "Namine, since when can you do that?"
And she replies: "Oh yeah, by the way, I can do that."

It's a ton of fun.

So, some basic facts and whatnot about our Namines.

Both Namines can see the future.  Or, certain future events.  However, this happens for different reasons for each girl.  Rar's Namine can see the future because of the paradox in her memories: she has memories of things that haven't happened yet.  Therefore, when she sees stuff that hasn't happened yet, it's because of those memories.  Will she continue to see/draw the future when all of those memories come to pass? Maybe, maybe not.  She might, considering my Namine can see future events without memories of them and rar's Namine has data from my Namine.  

My Namine can see future events because she can see past memories.  Or, it's related to that at least.  That's her current theory as to why she can see what she sees.  She takes the memories that she has access to (it used to be people just related to Sora's heart, now it's anyone if she tries hard enough.  Except Shad, he's a bit harder... but he's special.) She takes those memories and she uses them to project potential futures.  The closer the futures are, the more accurate her projected potential futures are.  She can also draw things simultaneously with them happening.  She just... does that.  

If she draws a picture of the future, it is about 93% accurate.  Some things may change here and there.  If there is blood in the picture, that is definitely going to happen.

Each Namine processes the images from the future different.  Rar's Namine generally has a meltdown because she doesn't actually know how or simply cannot process the future images.  So, rather, she doesn't process them at all.  This might have something to do with the locks that Edd put on her brain.  She may probably get to a point where she learns to control them and process them properly.  (Or she'll just get to a point where she doesn't get the future memories anymore, that's up to rar.)  (Sorry, this is still a tad confusing.  especially since rar's Namine's seeing of future memories and her meltdowns are somewhat intertwined....) However, this is assuming that the memories are what is causing the meltdowns.  But if that's what's causing them or not, rar's Namine doesn't do well in processing the future memories.  Thanks Edd.

My Namine processes the future images merely by just drawing them.  She doesn't think too much about them because any potential time difference is going to give her a headache.  She just files them away as puzzle pieces that she can't quite place yet and then she puts them in whenever she sees that an event has happened.  She's rather calm and compartmentalized about all of this, mostly because it's just been something that she has always been able to do.  She was the Nobody who could see memories, like Roxas was the Nobody who could wield a Keyblade.

My Namine can also sort of "create" a future via the images that she draws.  But that's only if she's messing with memories inside of hearts as she does so.  It's not something that she likes to do.

Fun fact, my Namine can experience a meltdown if she happens to be paying attention to rar's Namine's memories at the time of a meltdown.  If her telepathic link to Kairi happens to be strong at that moment, Kairi will experience a shadow of the meltdown as well.

Could my Namine fix rar's Namine's meltdowns? Potentially yes.  Backing up a bit, one of the main reasons why they (as in everyone in rar's universe who cares about stopping Namine's meltdowns) haven't *tried* all that hard to fix them is because they lack complete access to the Program.  They can theorize all they want as to what is causing the meltdowns, but they can't do anything to fix them until they KNOW what's causing them, and they can't do wither thing until they have complete access to the Program.

Yes, my Namine being around could potentially circumvent this, but she can't do everything single-handedly.  She'd need a fully functional Program.  Which, at the current moment, would require rar's Namine to go to my universe, which even with them meeting in that AU scene in ASAS, that wouldn't happen simply because Riku wouldn't allow it.  (Because, to be honest, he's f***ing paranoid about what would become of Namine.  He's too afraid that she'd change, she wouldn't be his Namine anymore.  He's afraid of this because every time he went into a Memory Pod, he just got rewritten.  So give him a break.  Especially because he doesn't actually admit this to anyone.)

Plus, in the canon story, the two Namine's haven't met yet.  

Things are going to happen with rar's Namine before she meets my Namine.  My Namine is not the solution to the meltdown problem.  It does make an interesting theory, however.  You're welcome to write all the fanfiction of our fanfiction you want to on it.

That's all I have to say on this subject at the moment.  And, knowing Namine, don't trust any of it to be true always.  She has a habit of retconning things herself.   

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