Friday, October 12, 2012

Axel and Kuin

Okay, so since Kuin exists only inside of my head and there is no fan art of her and Axel because I haven't drawn it, there won't be any pictures in this post.  But I can't leave this couple unmentioned. 

Now I have to do this without spoilers.  Axel and Kuin's "relationship" is developing all out-of-order in my head.  It's developed differently inside of my head than it has on paper.  And it's developed more on paper than I have actually posted.  Yay timey-whimey stuff!

Hmm... now, what to talk about exactly.  Axel and Kuin are the couple that cares about each other... but doesn't want to admit that they care about each other.  That's a good start.  They're not even a true couple yet, really.  (Which is good, honestly, because they've just met each other...)

However, despite having just met each other, Axel and Kuin are also good fighters together.  Remember the giant Heartless in Enchanted Dominon? Or the time in Twilight Town? (granted, that ended up with Axel injured… but it was a preexisting injury so it hardly counts.) 

They don't have any combos (yet).  A lot of this is because they've only fought alongside each other a few times.  And some of it is because I don't have a complete concept on the extent of Kuin's powers. 

When it comes to light and darkness... Kuin is probably as close to "balanced" as she can be.  She has to be.  It's her job description. 

Axel... well, he's certainly dabbled in darkness (heheh... such a fun term) in the past.  He's certainly done dealing with it though.  (As in, working alongside it.)  His sense of self-preservation has kicked in in that regard.  He won't do anything that's super-uber-obviously detrimental to his heart. 

Hmm... do I have anything else to say...

I don't think so... not at the moment...

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