Sunday, January 5, 2014

And then there’s this arc (Prequel ch71)

Heheh, this part.  Yup.  I’m evil and awful and I know it.

Because, I knew from the moment I outlined this that Aerith, Zack, Cloud, and Tifa would return to Traverse Town in Trouble.  (I love alliteration!)

Also, the below freaking picture is freaking perfect, and I’ve been saving it for this chapter since long before I even wrote the darn chapter!

My outline:

“Upon arriving in Traverse Town, it is apparent that a large bunch of Heartless have come to the world.  Everyone is fighting.  The four of them join the others in the battle.  Things get nasty.  A canon explodes and in the blast, Shera is massively wounded.”

Yup.  Because I’m evil and awful.  But I love it. 

I won’t say much more though, because this chapter is a two-parter, technically.  And everything else is spoilers.  So I might just leave you at that.  Yup.

by Risachantag on dA

Legit though, I modeled some of the Heartless in the chapter after the ones int his pic.  Yup.  


Teaser Quotes:

“My World fell into darkness.”
“Mine too.”

“Had one once, lost it to the darkness.”

“Something’s wrong.  Don’t ask me how I know that.”
“Right, you live with Aerith.”

“Promise that if you’re in over your head and need a hand, you’ll let me know?”
“I won’t have to.  We have a spell for that.”
“Don’t doubt that I’ll come.”
“I won’t.”

“What even…? Leon! We’ve been over this!”
“I made a promise to the King and… I can’t go back on that promise.”

And then there's this video, which I love.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Tifa is Cloud’s light, you can’t tell me otherwise (Prequel ch 70)

Okay, so I generally hate having to do separate chapters from different PoV’s, but I figured that this would benefit from it, so I backtracked a tad. 

This chapter starts out before Tifa even arrives in Hollow Bastion, but rather her showing up in Traverse Town and running into Leon.  I decided it was a good idea, as you can tell from my Tumbl. 

You can also tell from my Tumbl that Tifa and Leon were talking all over the place and I had a hard time keeping up.  *rolls eyes* I hate it (and love it) when characters do that.

I really love the dynamic between Leon and Tifa.  Leon just decides that day that he likes Tifa for whatever reason and he’s gonna help her.  And Tifa doesn’t complain.  It’s great, because this turns into a friendship where Tifa can look at Leon in the heat of battle, say “I need a lift” and he uses his gunblade to get her into the air.  I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC.  Like, they’re a brotp.  End of story.

I also just made a crapton of references (radiant, shrouding dark cloud, and a SoKai reference, all for the win!)
by B-AGT on dA

Then a bit of duplication, except I abbreviated some stuff so it wasn’t a direct duplication. 

Then the end of that sequence, which was already set to be Sephiroth leaving, saying he’ll never be truly gone.  Then Tifa embraces Cloud and demands that he tell her what all has happened, but Cloud is too weak to respond at the moment.  Aerith decides that they should just go back to Traverse Town and deal with things there.

Well, that’s the plan anyway.  But I shan’t say more because spoilers.  Muahahaha.

Teaser Quotes:

“I mean, my teleportation spells sometimes have glitches, but I’m getting pretty good.”

“That’s highly effective.”
“Not my most favorite spell, but yes, effective.”

“Odds Leon managed to cook something?”
“Slim, but possible.”

“Daddy’s gotta take care of these Heartless!”

“Who are you?”
“Nobody in particular.”

Have I mentioned that I love the Piano Guys, seriously... check them out!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Hollow Bastion Arc becomes the Sephiroth Arc (ch69)



I mean, granted, you all KNEW I was gonna drag Sephiroth in at some point, but I loved holding off on the WHEN.

Well, now he’s here and clearly causing problems. 

This chapter did give me some difficulty when it comes to getting it down on paper, because what I had in the outline ended up being just enough different from what got written down on the page.  I can’t even remember why at the moment, but something to changed and it made things ever so slightly more difficult.  Anywho…

See, we’re all now well-aware of Cloud being bothered by the darkness in his heart and him not saying anything. 

by FujimiyaRan on dA
Oh, I think I remember what happened, I definitely added Sephiroth using Cloud to try and kill Aerith and Zack stopping him, because I’d established in AtP or BB, one of the two, that Cloud had nearly killed Aerith and it was Sephiroth’s fault and I decided that now was just a good a time as any to put that in.  But hey, I’m still really okay with how the chapter turned out. 

Anywho, then Tifa shows up and screams for Cloud.  Sephiroth accepts Tifa to be Cloud’s light and states that he is Cloud’s darkness.  Cloud wakes up and slashes at Sephiroth, demanding him to leave his friends alone.  Cloud and Sephiroth fight. 

The usual. 

Now that I’ve got Cloud’s shadow around, rar and I keep having feels about shadows and their people.  Because that’s just a fun relationship to play with.  I’ll be playing with it throughout the Prequel, and also in B3.  Because I’m cool like that.

Also, I realized that when I was writing the Christmas one-shot, I had to be careful about what I said regarding the last staff that Cloud got Aerith… because I hadn’t posted this chapter yet!!! But now it’s posted and I can have some feels regarding Cloud getting Aerith a staff that LITERALLY saves her life a week later because Sephiroth decides to show up.  And here he is again, giving her the pieces to make another new staff and Aerith (and Zack) have to wonder if Sephiroth’s gonna show up again, but he never did.  Like I said before, Sephiroth didn’t ruin Christmas. 

Anyway, I’m over the feels, I think the chapter basically speaks for itself on them.

Teaser Quotes!

“Sheesh, what put you in a mood?”
“All you do is sleep, it seems!”
“The newer recruits get harder jobs than those of us who have been around longer.”

“You sent Demyx on that mission?”
“I do not have high hopes for the new recruit.  Besides, I have a different mission for you.”
“Oh boy, sounds like fun.”

“Oh gracious no! I wouldn’t want to be a bother!”

“He’s rather unassuming for a King.”
“His wife’s the same way.”

“Honestly, I’d rather he find Cloud.”
“I agree.”

I'm kind of attached to this video.  It makes me really happy for some reason.  So does the song. :)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Snippets here and there (ch68)

So, like, I can’t say too much about any of these because ALL THE DARN SPOILERS.  You’ll find out in a couple of chapters.

But let me tell you, all the Heartless in Traverse Town is NOT A GOOD thing.

Meanwhile, Luxord has been found by the Organization and Vexen’s contemplating a Replica Program. 

But THIS PART.  I can say stuff about this:

Cloud is bothered by the great amounts of darkness in this world.  He can almost feel the darkness growing.  In addition to the darkness in the world growing, he can feel the darkness growing in his own heart.  He doesn’t want to say anything about it, though.  If it were just him and Zack, he’d say something, but he doesn’t want to worry Aerith, so he keeps quiet.  (Originally it was he didn’t know Aerith all that well, but then things changed, so it’s mostly that he just doesn’t want to worry her.)  Anyway, the darkness in the world continues to grow as they wander around.  Heartless begin appearing.  Zack and Cloud draw their swords and Aerith pulls out her staff to fight.  As they’re fighting, Cloud becomes in pain.  Zack assumes that something has hurt him, but this is not the case, Cloud is in pain because something inside of him is stirring.

BECAUSE I HAVE HAD MOST OF THAT PLOTTED OUT FOR FREAKING EVER.  Just WAIT until you see what happens NEXT.  *nods excitedly*

by Namineh on dA
And then, simply ending that there and doing a cute little snippet on Destiny Islands.  I try to do one of those periodically enough so that way you can tell how they’re growing up and whatnot.  And Riku totally has a crush on Kairi, but he knows Sora likes her too, so he doesn’t do anything, especially because Kairi doesn’t appear to like either over the other.  (There’s a part of me that wonders if he likes the Namine part of Kairi? But I really haven’t thought about that too much.)  Anyway….

Yeah, I think I’m gonna stop there before I end up giving away some awful spoiler.

Teaser Quotes:

“You’re the last person I expected to walk through that door.”

“Here.  Eat.”

“The spell works better against dark forces, I’ll admit.  But you’re getting the hang of it with just the furniture.”

“Tell me about where you’re from.  I always love to hear stories.”

“Ooh, that Maleficent is a horrible witch.”

Last Christmas Video guys, promise: (because I love the Piano Guys)