Thursday, October 10, 2013

Proof of Omega (ch37)

Link to Chapter

Link to the tumbl

I wanted to include a battle against the Omega Weapon for two reasons, one because I made reference to it here. And there is just so funny, because everyone's talking to Aqua, Terra, and Ven, about how Rinoa and Squall are just so epic fighting together.  And Rinoa makes mention of the "Ultima Weapon", though that is an error, it should have been "Omega Weapon" because that's the one in the game that has the attacks that I'm talking about.

official render from
Because this ugly dude is... well... ugly.

The second reason is that I had such an interesting experience fighting the Omega Weapon myself, that I thought to include it in my writing.

So, sidetrack for a second, while I mention a random factoid... It was established in AtP and BtE that everyone called Leon "Leon" except Rinoa, Quistis, and Zell.  My original reasoning being that they all originate from FFVIII, so that name would stick.  However, as I wrote the prequel, it became established that the only person who called Leon "Squall" was Rinoa, because she liked the name better and was too stubborn to listen to him telling her to call him Leon.  Quistis and Zell would respect his decision to be called Leon.  So, my options now are to either retcon that, or just say that after years of Rinoa referring to him as "Squall" they picked it up and he didn't feel like correcting them.

Anyway, moving on from that.  So while I was fighting Omega Weapon in FFVIII, I didn't happen to kill him before he started his epic-beam-of-light-that-deals-9999-damage-so-you-die attack.  I'm plugging along, using a ton of Life's and Full-Life's and trying to keep Squall in a state where he can use his Limit because Renzokuken! At some point during the battle, epic-attack-of-doom kills Rinoa.  Literally, as soon as it works its way back to Squall, I get a limit and for the first (and sadly only) time in the game, I get the finisher of Lion Heart (as opposed to any of the other finishers).  Naturally, the Omega Weapon didn't survive that.  So, yeah, the experience was so amusing in my head, that I ended up including it here for you guys.  Sorry about that lol.

I think mostly everything else was explained in the tumbl.  So perhaps I'll leave it at that.

Have a Vocaloid video.  Technically, it's an Akiakane and Yuyoyuppe cover.  Because well, they're amazing.

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