Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hey! There's a Can't Escape Chapter up! (61)

First of all... new blog theme.  I was getting tired of the old one.  And these colors are a nice change.  However, if it's hard for any of you to read it, just let me know, I'll make adjustments.  The blog is for you to read, after all.

Anyway, so, I posted a Can't Escape chapter yesterday.  Super fun!

Here's the link:
(Sorry, that used to go to my ff profile, it's fixed now.)

No livetumbl for this one though.  Sorry guys.

Anyway, my thoughts, (I'm sure rar will post hers separately. or maybe she has already)

Anyway, I vaguely remember her discussing how she needs to get Riku's arm injured and then we discussed dislocating, and how he'd almost fall off a cliff and all that jazz.

by =SaiyaGina
And while he could have hauled himself back up, I remember mentioning in passing something about vertical dark corridors.  (Which, somewhere along the lines became my Axel's specialty).  So, I casually joked about sending my Axel over there.

And so it happened.

Idk, I really enjoyed this.  It was a bit strange, trying to figure out where this plays into my universe, considering I'm working on a prequel.  And it had to be believable, and there needed to be a reason for Axel to be going to ANY Hollow Bastion in the first place... (however, this didn't turn out to be very hard at all.)  Once all that was taken care of, it was really easy for the starshard to take him to the wrong universe.

And Axel's not dumb, he figured it out pretty quickly.  Mostly because he ran into Riku.  And Riku looks super different between universes.  Considering there is now close to a 2-year age gap going on.

Cue Axel saving Riku's butt and it's now super awkward.

Yes, Peach, I can guarantee you that it was awkward.  Probably for both of them.

Honestly, I'd suggest checking out rar's fic's blog ( for other interesting information (including character interactions) regarding this chapter and the sequence going on in her fic in general.

And yes, KKBeckett, wouldn't it just make things so much easier if they were to meet? *laughter*

But yeah, this sequence was fun.  Axel is so much fun to write for.  I don't really get a chance with the prequel, because that's all boring Organization stuff and I'm mostly focusing on the FF cast as it is.  But getting back into the swing of Axel and making loads of references and little jabs was fun.

Rar's surprised I didn't censor them.  Please, Riku and Axel? Yeah... uh-huh.

Anyway, I think that's all I have to say on that.

As usual, have a video!  (I found this one when my roommate said that this song would be really good a capella.)

1 comment:

  1. mmm... you're link actually leads to your profile. Whoops.
