Monday, August 26, 2013

Quistis versus Something Wrong (ch17)

Link to the chapter:


Trying to keep up with the theme for the last several blogs.  Gonna need to change it though, I've got a new set of chapters that could use a different theme.  I know I said somewhere that Cloud's chapter was the last one in that sequence, but it's actually this one.  Technically.

This chapter basically officially sets up the Final Fantasy VIII arc.  Originally, I hadn't intended to even touch the FFVIII story except vaguely.  But then, I was talking to a few of my regular readers and they all suggested that I actually try and tackle the story, so long as I don't entirely rehash the game.

Well, my goal is to not rehash the game in its entirety.  There are going to be a lot of aspects that are shared from the game, however, there are going to be major differences due to the fact that I've added the KH element of darkness and Heartless.  So, it's like AU FFVIII.

Anyway, because I chose to tackle on the FFVIII story, my original timeline for this story greatly changed (and thus expanded).  It's making me question if I'll get done writing this in time for NaNoWriMo.  (Keep in mind I have many chapters written ahead of where I'm posting, but I can't post every day to catch up AND still do worthwhile Review Responses.)  That also means that you guys get to enjoy this story a little bit longer because chances are, I'll still be POSTING in November, even if I am (hopefully) done writing this story.  As you can see, I'm still worried about getting done in time.

AKA, my summer's over and I have significantly less time.

Anyway, but to talk about the chapter.  This chapter is a little bit more than filler, I suppose.  It does do the main job of setting up the next major plot arc to happen (after Hollow Bastion's fall, as well as the Zack/Aerith arc).  (But the Zack/Aerith arc is an overarching thing that will continue throughout the WHOLE story, not just a (albeit large) chuck of it.)

by ~lyxia on dA
Plus, it also gives me a chance to discuss who Edea really is, bring up some miscommunications that will
definitely come into play later, make a jab at the Squall vs. Leon name, as well as other things.

Check out that awesome Edea artwork to the right, btw.

I'm kind of enjoying the miscommunication that's going on though between what Quistis and Headmaster Cid assume Leon can do, and what Leon's actually done.  (Which, as far as Maleficent's concerned, is actually jack-diddly-squat.)

Fun fact: I actually considered using Maleficent AS the "Sorceress" that was causing problems on that world.  However, then I feel that Maleficent would have to either A) Escape or B) Die, and I wasn't quite sure how to plot that out.  Plus, I decided that things work better if Leon DOESN'T kill Maleficent now, because that kind of changes the tone of how KH1 works, and I'm trying to make this fit into KH Canon as much as possible.  (Except where deviations already exist between my pre-3D canon and 3D-established canon.)

Okay, well, let me answer the last couple questions that were brought up in reviews...

I know, Leon paragraphed.  It's one of the few times he (ever) does that.  I think it's because he has all of these pent-up feels regarding Radiant Garden's fall that he just expressed them all in one go.

As for Rinoa calling Leon 'Squall', it's something that was established back in Betwixt and Between where Rinoa's the only one that calls him Squall, despite everyone else calling him Leon.  I decided that it's something she's done from the very beginning.  He may try and correct her (if he does, it's off-screen) but eventually he gives up because he decides that it's a battle not worth fighting.  It's also something that's going to come in handy later.  You'll see.

erm... more shamelessness.  This one's also mine.  But it's epic... so...

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